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Steve McCurry: Afghanistan (SORRY, SOLD OUT)


Steve McCurry: India


Abigail Solomon–Godeau (ed): Rosemary Laing


Albert Renger-Patzsch: Späte Industriephotographie


Aled Rhys Hughes: Mametz


Ansel Adams: Letters and Images 1916-1984

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Sebastiao Salgado: Gold (SORRY, SOLD OUT)


Marian Delyth : Eternal Wales


Diane Arbus: In the Beginning


Don McCullin

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Ansel Adams: In Color


Young Meteors -British Photojournalism: 1957-1965

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Philipp Scholz Rittermann: Navigating by Light

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James Morris - Time and Remains of Palestine


Miles Barth: Weegee’s World


Minor White : Manifestations of the Spirit

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Roger Tiley: Grazing Slateland


Rhodri Jones : Return / yn ôl


Caught - The Art of Photography in the German Democratic Republic


Don McCullin


Tim Collier : Rhiwlas : Cefn Gwlad Mewn Llun a Llinell


Roger Tiley: Y Cymoedd Du, The Black Valley, The Grey Sky

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Anthony Stokes : The Valleys


Henri Cartier Bresson : Le Grand Jeu


John Clow : Snowdonia Revisited


Regis Durand: John Hilliard


The Photography of Charles Sheeler : American Modernist


Evans / Hist: Walker Evans


Ida Kar : Bohemian Photographer


Un Paese : Portrait of an Italian Village

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Ansel Adams at 100


Walker Evans : Photographer of America

Paul Strand -  Essays on His Life and His Work

Paul Strand - Essays on His Life and His Work

from £10.00

Walker Evans: The Hungry Eye


Jurgen Schadeberg : Voices From The Land

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Josef Koudelka: Exiles

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Martin Parr: Only Human (SORRY, SOLD OUT)


Philip Jones Griffiths : Ei Fywyd a’i Luniau


Ten Out of Ten : Great British Photography


Albert Renger-Patzsch: Joy Before the Object

from £20.00

Sebastiao Salgado: From My Land to the Planet


Larry Towell: In the Wake of Katrina


Abelardo Morell and the Camera Eye


Simon Baker: Conflict. Time. Photography


Photographing the Second Gold Rush : Dorothea Lange and the Bay Area at War 1941 – 1945


A Staggering Revolution : A Cultural History of Thirties Photography

Lardinois, B. / Williams, V.: Magnum Ireland

Lardinois, B. / Williams, V.: Magnum Ireland


Photography: An Independent Art: Photographs from the Victoria and Albert Museum 1839 – 1996


The Silver Canvas : Daguerreotype Masterpieces from the J. Paul Getty Museum


The Daguerreotype : Nineteenth Century Technology and Modern Science

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Photography and Politics in America From the New Deal Into the Cold War SORRY, SOLD OUT


Tina Modotti : Photographs


Street & Studio: An Urban History of Photography


Paul Strand: Tir A’Mhurain - The Outer Hebrides of Scotland


Lubben, K: Magnum Contact Sheets

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Experimental Photography : A Handbook of Techniques SORRY, SOLD OUT


Mark Leckey : O’ Magic Power of Bleakness


Edward Ranney: The Lines


Taylor Wessing Photographic Portrait Prize - 2014


Martin Barnes: Cameraless Photography


David Gibson: The Street Photographer’s Manual


David T. Hanson: Waste Land - Meditations on a Ravaged Landscape


Sylvia Wolf: The Digital Eye - Photographic Art in the Electronic Age


Joel Sternfeld: Hart Island


Common Ground : German Photographic Cultures Across the Iron Curtain


Ferrer, E.: A Shadow Born of Earth


Taylor Wessing Photographic Portrait Prize - 2011


Defining Eye : Women Photographers of the 20th Century


Bryson, N.: Victor Burgin


Balsells D. : Images - Catalan Photography


Pitts, T.: Edward Weston 1886 – 1958


Robert Adams: West from the Columbia - Views at the River Mouth


One Hundred Photographs : A Collection by Bruce Bernard


Our Culture Is Our Resistance : Repression, Refuge and Healing in Guatemala


Thomas Struth: Still

Joyce Tenneson: Illuminations

Joyce Tenneson: Illuminations


Taken by Design: Photographs from the Institute of Design, 1937 – 1971

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The Brazilian Photographs of Genevieve Naylor, 1940 – 1942 (SORRY, SOLD OUT)


Roland Penrose, Lee Miller: The Surrealist and the Photographer


Edith Tudor-Hart: Im Schatten der Diktaturen


Robert Frank : Moving Out


Paul Strand : The World On My Doorstep, 1950 – 1976


Paul Strand: Sixty Years of Photographs

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Jeff Wall : Catalogue Raisonné, 1974 – 2004 (SORRY, SOLD OUT)

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Man Ray : Photography and Its Double


Jack Delano : Photographic Memories

from £15.00
Pete Davis: 
Northern Light

Pete Davis: Northern Light


Seduced by Art : Photography Past and Present


Fotografía Pública : Photography in Print 1919 – 1939


Robert Adams: Turning Back


Eugène Atget : Paris


Inta Ruka: People I Know


Don McCullin: Open Skies


Against the Odds: Women Pioneers in the First Hundred Years of Photography


Marc Riboud : Photographs at Home and Abroad


Ray Metzker : Landscapes


Edward Weston : Portrait of the Young Man as an Artist


Jerry Spagnoli: Daguerreotypes

Pete Davis: Sardinia

Pete Davis: Sardinia


Jannis, E.P. : Vanishing Presence

Pete Davis: Great Little Tin Sheds of Wales - Redux

Pete Davis: Great Little Tin Sheds of Wales - Redux

Pete Davis: Cader Idris, Soul of a Lonely Place (paperback)

Pete Davis: Cader Idris, Soul of a Lonely Place (paperback)

Pete Davis: 
The Expressive Land (Signed copy + Print)

Pete Davis: The Expressive Land (Signed copy + Print)


Mary Ellen Mark: on the Portrait and the Moment


Black Britain: A Photographic History


The Social Photo: On Photography and the Media

Julia Margaret Cameron : Nineteenth Century Photographer of Genius

Julia Margaret Cameron : Nineteenth Century Photographer of Genius

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Pete Davis: Silentium


Bruce Chatwin: Winding Paths


Don McCullin


John Clow: The Mountains of Snowdonia


Vanley Burke: By the Rivers of Birminam


Chris Steele-Perkins: The Teds

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Don McCullin: Shaped By War SORRY, SOLD OUT

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M. Haworth-Booth: The Art of Lee Miller (SORRY, SOLD OUT)


Firecrackers : Female Photographers Now


Rebecca Litchfeld: Soviet Ghosts

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Robert Frank: The Americans (SORRY, SOLD OUT)


Aperture Conversations - 1985 to the Present


Mary Ellen Mark: Twins


Jeff Wall: Transit

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Don McCullin: The Landscape (SORRY, SOLD OUT)


Joe Spence: Putting Myself in the Picture


Magnum Archive: A Year in Photography


Shirley Baker: Without a Trace

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Josef Koudelka: Gypsies SORRY, SOLD OUT


Bending the Frame: Photojournalism, Documentary and the Citizen


Inside The Photograph - Writings on Twentieth Century Photography


Martin Parr: Yng Nghymru


What Makes Great Photography - 80 Masterpieces Explained

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Light Matters - Writings on Photography


Walker Evans - Let Us Now Praise Famous Men - Three Tenant Families


Ryan, J.R.: Photography and Exploration


Bohrer, F.N.: Photography and Archaeology


Bundt, F.: Photography and Literature


Ennis, H.: Photography and Australia


Pelizzari, M.A.: Photography and Italy


The Photographer’s Playbook - 307 Assignments and Ideas


Vivian Maier - A Photographer’s Life & Afterlife


Diane Arbus - Portrait of a Photographer


Fleur : Plant Portraits


Unclassified - A Walker Evans Anthology


Diane Arbus: A Biography


Susan Sontag: On Photography


Imogen Cunningham: Portraiture

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Flor Garduño: Gardiens du Temps


Henri Cartier-Bresson: The Early Work

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Hoy, A.H: Fabrications - Staged, Altered and Appropriated Photographs


Masquerade - Women’s Contemporary Portrait Photography

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John Davies, et al: Cities On the Edge

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Mexico, New York - Manuel Álvarez Bravo, Henri Cartier-Bresson, Walker Evans

Vivian Maier: Self-Portrait

Vivian Maier: Self-Portrait

Vivian Maier: Street Photographer

Vivian Maier: Street Photographer

Vivian Maier: The Color Work

Vivian Maier: The Color Work

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Tom Baril: Botanica

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Robert Mapplethorpe: Flowers


Michael Wesely: Stilleben 2001 – 2007

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Lynn Goldsmith: Flower

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Roger Eberhard: Callas

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Lucinda Devlin: Water Rites

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Flora - Contemporary Collection of Floral

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Joyce Tenneson: A Life in Photography 1968 – 2008

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In Their Mothers’ Eyes - Women Photographers and Their Children


Street Photography Now


Henri Cartier-Bresson: Mexikanisches Tagebuch 1934 – 1964

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Martine Franck: One Day To The Next

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Eugène Atget - The Aperture History of Photography Series


Making a Photographer – The Early Work of Ansel Adams

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Josef Koudelka: Wall - Israeli & Palestinian Landscape 2008–2012 (SORRY, SOLD OUT)


Beyond Light - American Landscapes

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Nick Brandt - Across the Ravaged Land (SORRY, SOLD OUT)


Flor Garduño - Witnesses of Time

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Nancy Newhall: From Adams to Stieglitz

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Martin Parr: From Our House to Your House

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Joyce Tenneson: Flower Portraits - The Life Cycle of Beauty


A Chronology of Photography: A Cultural Timeline from Camera Obscura to Instagram

Vivian Maier Developed - The Untold Story of the Photographer Nanny

Vivian Maier Developed - The Untold Story of the Photographer Nanny

Remembered Light - Cy Twombly in Lexington - Photographs by Sally Mann

Remembered Light - Cy Twombly in Lexington - Photographs by Sally Mann

Recollections - Philip Jones Griffiths

Recollections - Philip Jones Griffiths

The Nature of Photographs - Stephen Shore - A Primer

The Nature of Photographs - Stephen Shore - A Primer

American Surfaces - Stephen Shore

American Surfaces - Stephen Shore

Friedlander  (SORRY, SOLD OUT)
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Friedlander (SORRY, SOLD OUT)

This Pleasant Land : New British Landscape Photography

This Pleasant Land : New British Landscape Photography

Grief : The Biography of a Holocaust Photograph

Grief : The Biography of a Holocaust Photograph


